Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year ~ Year 2009 here i come

Yesterday was my parents 2nd year anniversay but MaMa only realised it before bedtime. ==! hehe.. No choice, MaMa was too looking forward for 31th Dec to come, so that she could rest at home from 1 Jan 2009 untill i decide to come out in 1-2 weeks time.
MaMa believed that BaBa must be forgotten their anniversay as well, or else he should show some surprises, bring her out for dinner or do something to please MaMa. But it was ok. MaMa was very kind and understanding. Haha~ In MaMa's explanation, yesterday was not the most important and meaningful day to her. The most memorable and special day for her was someday in March (not her birthday) ^^ That's why she didn't mind that BaBa forgot to celebrate their 2nd year wedding anniversary. lol~
Since today is the last day of the year, MaMa decided to have hotplate BBQ dinner at home. Ah Ma will prepare all the food and wait for us to return from work. Such a happy ending to farewell Year 2008. ^_^

Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry X'mas - I am about 38th week big

26 Dec 2008 was my checkup date and as usual, MaMa required to take her weight and blood pressure for weekly follow up. It's so unbelievable that MaMa's weight hit 21kg already =_= scary ya. BaBa was so afraid that MaMa could not slim down after giving birth (although BaBa promised to sponsor MaMa for post-natal massage and stomach binding.) But who to blame? I admit that i am the culprit that cause MaMa to gain so much weight =_=!!! Nevertheless, I have confidence in MaMa. I know she has strong determination to slim down before going back to Taiwan, or else she may not be able to wear all the pretty clothes. Haha~

Dr. Wong told BaBa and MaMa that my absorption was very good and steady in the last trimester. I am 2.74kg by now - I gained about 300g within 1 week. ^^ I am still moving actively and even performing few minutes of hiccups in MaMa's womb. Hehe.. Because of hyper active me, MaMa could not have good sleep every day and night. It's so suffer for MaMa and even getting worst for her to get up from bed in the middle of the night to toilet (highest record was 5-6 times in a night), to find a correct sleeping position and to breathe well. Eventually MaMa could stop working and start her maternity leave after 31th Dec 2008. She is totally exhausted during working days @_@

This Xmas, MaMa invited Auntie Esther, Uncle Kenneth and Alexis Jie Jie to our house for post Xmas dinner. They decided to have their favourite hot and spicy (Ma La) steamboat on 26 Dec 08 was because both BaBa and Uncle Kenneth only available on that day. The dinner was so yammy that 4 adults with 1 kid and 2 fetus finished all the food that MaMa prepared. ^^

My parents bought one xmas gift for Alexis Jie Jie. Its something like Lego but with additional motor inside to make it more lively and interesting. My gift from Auntie Esther and Uncle Kenneth was a pair of pretty and lovely shoes. MaMa like it very much as its so cute and comfy.

After our wonderful dinner and chit chatting till 11pm, we farewell Auntie Esther & family and rushed to airport to fetch Ah Ma. Ah Ma's flight was landed on time, but when she came out from custom, its almost 11.45pm. BaBa joked that lucky we were late for 20 min, or else we got to wait for at least half an hour or more. haha..



大家邊吃邊聊,不知不覺已經11點了。阿媽的飛機預計11點15分抵達,爸爸只好用最快的速度趕到機場接機。我們到機場大概是11.30分,電視上的航班顯示阿媽搭的捷星航空早在11點就提早到達。看到行李區的人潮越來越少,還是等不到阿媽。媽媽還一度担心阿媽被扣在海關。 爸爸媽媽等了將近快20分鐘才等到阿媽岀關。爸爸還笑說幸虧我們没有提早到機場,否則就得要乾等1個小時。哈哈!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My 36th week in the womb ~ 15 Dec 2008

MaMa and BaBa were so anxious to bring me for my 36th week checkup but due to car accident early in the morning along our way to Thomson medical center, the traffic had jam for more than 20 minutes. By the time we reached the medical center, we were very late. It's so surprised that Auntie Esther's family managed to reach earlier than us. hehe.. ^^ When Aunite Esther went to our clinic to register and queue, it's happened to know that Dr. Wong went to assist her patient in labour and all appointments were required to postpone to an hour or later. So Aunite Esther decided to have lunch at cafe first before returning to queue. The timing was so right that we only waited for about 5-10 minutes to get to our turn.
Dr. Wong had a thorough check on me once again and this time i even gave her a kick when she scanned me. lol~ She measured my weight and the result showed that i was 2.45kg. ^^ Dr. Wong was very impressed of my growing. haha.. she announced that i am a medium size fetus by now. Since i grew bigger and heavier than she expected, MaMa need not to eat so much for the last 4 weeks. If everything goes well, my birth weight will be about 2.8 to 3kg. Dr. Wong adviced MaMa to maintain a medium size me, so that she won't suffer too much and take too long in labour.
After my checkup, it was Auntie Esther's turn. BaBa, MaMa, Uncle Kenneth, Alexis Jie Jie and Alexis Ah Ma were there to give her moral support. Each of us were so keen to see the peanut size fetus in Auntie Esther's womb. The 2D scan was so cleared that my upcoming playmate was about 8 weeks old. hehe~ And we once again confirmed that the baby's EDD is July next year. As Aunite Esther's next appointment will be 12 Jan 2009, MaMa hoped that i can be out on my EDD (which is on 11 Jan 2009), so Auntie Esther and family can visit me first before going for checkup. Nevertheless, MaMa is more excited to wait for Auntie Esther's 4th month checkup. Hehe.. because by the time MaMa already finish her confinement and able to bring me along to visit Dr. Wong and say hi to baby boy/girl. ^_^
大家別懷疑, 我已經在媽媽的肚子裡住了36週喔! 再過3-4個星期, 我就可以出來跟大家說哈囉了~ 醫生說我的情況很好, 目前已經有2.45公斤, 所以媽媽從現在開始不用再刻意大吃大喝了. 如此一來, 我才可以控制我的體重在2.8公斤至3公斤之內. 醫生也建議媽媽儘量保持體重, 這樣才可以把中等體型的我用最短的時間生出來. 在檢查完畢後, 原本醫生告知媽媽可以開始做運動跟散步來助產, 但是由於她在12月18日~23日的期間內休假, 所以最後還是決定暫時先不要運動, 等她回來在進行. 因為醫生怕萬一媽媽過度運動, 有可能會導致我提早出世, 來不及趕回來幫我接生. 呵~ 但糟糕的是, 媽媽現在根本沒有多少體力運動了. 在最後的2個月裡, 媽媽的體力已經到達極限, 根本沒有辦法走太多路, 更別說要她運動了. 連逛個街買東西都非常疲勞, 每個週末也一定要留在家裡睡午覺補充體力. 目前媽媽的雙腳也水腫到不行. 平時沒有爸爸上下班接送的日子, 實在很想哭, 因為短短的30-40分鐘的路程就已經要她的命了. 媽媽深深得體會到胖子的心酸跟孕婦的不平等待遇.
從媽媽懷我到現在, 上下班搭捷運的時候根本就沒有幾個人與願意讓位給孕婦. 這段期間, 最多只有6-7次有人願意讓座. 更讓人驚訝的是願意讓座的幾乎都是男人, 而不是應該更體諒女人的女人. 不知道新加坡的公民與道德在哪裡? 覺得他們的教育跟宣導都很失敗. 自私自利的行為讓人很受不了. 霸佔博愛座不說還搶用殘障/幼婦專屬的電梯, 只為了節省時間來方便自己. 媽媽非常看不慣這種行為, 甚至寧願搭手扶梯多走幾步路, 也不願意跟哪些不懂得禮讓的人一起搭電梯. 因為他們並不會看你挺著肚子就多禮讓點. 新加坡真的只能用罰款這招才可以約束人民吧?! 回頭想想, 雖然台灣有種種的缺點, 但是在道德方面就教育的很成功. 儘管真的使用了博愛座, 當看到更需要的人也一定會讓出位子. 這麼基本的做人處世新加坡人怎麼就是學不來呢?! 不曉得是他們太以自我為中心, 還是以前老師在上課的時候都沒有專心在聽. 哈~

Friday, December 5, 2008

This few days, MaMa kept complaining to BaBa that i did not behave very well in her womb, especially at night and before bedtime. But i was innocent. i just wanted to do some stretchings inside to make myself more comfortable.. Nowadays, MaMa's womb has very limited space for me to move. I really have no intention to kick her but inside just too cramp for me to sleep and move~

MaMa was telling BaBa that 1 month later, she will be totally released by carry a heavy me with those extra weight (or fats?!) in her body. Haha.. BaBa was wondering what am i doing inside everyday, whether i am asleep or awke. He even told MaMa that he wished to do another 4D scan on me. But as what Gynae said, it was only advisable to take the scan during week 27 to 29. Hehe.. BaBa has no other way but to wait for another month to see the real me (someone look like him ^_^)

MaMa told BaBa that i was very fortunate to travel so many places with her. lol~ MaMa and BaBa brought me back from Taiwan in early May, we travelled together to Bangkok during end of August. MaMa, i and Ah Ma visited Ah Gong in Vietnam during Oct and we then drove to Genting Highland few days later after Ah Ma's return from Ho Chi Minh. My very last trip was going to Johor with Auntie Esther & family in Nov. HaHa!

MaMa said this chinese new year, not only Ah Ma will come to look after us, Ah Gong will also fly over from Vietnam to stay with me for 6 days oh. Actually this chinese new year we are supposed to go back Taiwan to celebrate, but because MaMa is having 1 month confinement at home, Ah Gong decided to fly over to stay with us. MaMa already planned with BaBa that next chinese new year we will go back to enjoy the cool winter and also celebrate the happy season with Jiu Jiu, Ah Yi and my 2 lovely cousins: Da Ge - Jason and Er Ge - Wade. Ah Gong said we must arrange a island tour one day when whole family gather together. Ah Gong just changed a 7 seater Toyato Innova in Taiwan this month. So sweet, next time when we go back, we dont have to worry how to squeeze so many people in one car. Hehee..

According to Jiu Jiu and Ah Gong, they already reserved 1 room in Vietnam for us. Now the new factory is still under contruction and renovation. Jiu Jiu promised to make it cosy for me to stay when we go over. See, how fortunate i am?! My Jiu Jiu and Ah Gong even wish we can move over so that BaBa and MaMa can help out the business in vietnam. ^^

MaMa had discussed with BaBa the travelling schedule for next year. It is almost set. Haha.. End of April (after i am 3 months old), they will bring me back to Taiwan. Maybe around July, we will take few days to Vietnam to visit Ah Gong, Jiu Jiu and BaBa's friend. Bangkok trip in Aug yet to be confirmed, but our definite trip after my 1 year old will be next chinese new year. Yeah~ MaMa already got the idea where to buy the lovely winter jacket for me. Hehe.. Not to mention, BaBa must work very hard to save money and sponspor all the trips ya ~

這幾天媽媽一直跟爸爸說我沒有乖乖, 一直在裡面亂動. 可是我真的是被冤枉的! 我不過只是想要伸個腰, 舉個手, 提個腿活動一下筋骨而已啊. (人真的不是我殺的..) 誰叫媽媽的肚子越來越沒辦法支撐我. 裡面越來越沒有空間讓我活動. 呵! 媽媽自己也很會安慰自己, 還跟爸爸說再過1個月他就可以解脫了. 腳就不會每天酸痛, 呼吸也不會困難, 也不用扛這麼重的我外加那些不必要的10幾公斤重量(是肥肉吧?!)

每天晚上我都特別好動, 尤其是要睡覺時我特別high~ 爸爸都會敲敲我, 問我在裡面幹嘛, 到底是睡了沒. 他甚至想要再帶我去做4d掃描看看我的一舉一動. 可是之前醫生說過, 最好的時間是胎兒成長的第27到29週. 所以爸爸抱歉拉, 你只能等我出世才可以看到我的真面目(一個很像你的我) 嘻嘻!

本來來臨的農曆新年我們要回去台灣慶祝, 但是因為媽媽生完我後要在家裡做月子, 所以只好改到隔年了. 雖然如此, 阿媽會來這裡陪我們做月, 阿公最後也答應要從越南飛過來住個6天. 這次沒辦法必須要留在新加坡, 但是媽媽可是已經跟爸爸說好下一個新年一定要回去台灣. 阿公說等過年全家人都要到齊, 大家開車去環島旅行. 阿公這個月已經換了1台7人座了喔, 這樣以後我們回去就可以坐的更舒適了. 真期待可以跟大哥-承勳, 2哥緯城一起出游~

舅舅跟阿公都說他們在越南已經幫我們預留了一間房間讓我們住. 舅舅還說他會弄得很簡單舒適. (對了, 舅舅, 別忘了最起碼要有cable 電視跟網路線喔!) 看, 我還沒有出生已經這麼紅了. 不過主要原因還是因為舅舅跟阿公想要爸爸跟媽媽住在越南, 幫他們一起打拼事業賺錢拉. 目前媽媽大概已經把1整年的旅遊計畫規劃好了. 哈哈~ 預計明年4月底 (等我3個月大之後), 我們就回去台灣給阿祖跟親戚看看我. 7月抽空去越南, 讓爸爸去看新工廠環境, 順便跟他的朋友碰面. 每年的8月曼谷旅游就看到時的情況做決定. 最後就又來到可愛的農曆新年回台灣去! 爸爸可是很期待台灣的冬天喔. 而且媽媽也已經開始盤算明年要買好看的外套給我回台灣穿. 真是酷~ 不過, 整年的旅遊計畫, 還是要靠爸爸努力賺錢來贊助所有的旅費. 爸爸, 加油喔!

Looking forward my next checkup

My next appointment supposed to be next monday, but since MaMa wanted to have same appointment date with Auntie Esther to see her tiny mini fetus, she decided to postpone to 1 week later. ^0^

MaMa and Uncle Kenneth was trying to count Auntie Esther's expected due date for their new member, but she really wanna faint after the calculation. Why? because it might be next year JULY ~>_<~

My godness, what a heart attack to MaMa. All of them were borne during the month of July. In other words, MaMa's pocket will have a bigger hole after next year. It starts with Auntie Esther, follow by Uncle Kenneth, new born baby and then Alexis JieJie. They are trying to make everyone's life difficult =_= But as for me, i am still very anxious to wait for baby's arrival. We sure can have fun together. Haha

Monday, November 24, 2008

Appointment follow up on 24 Nov 08

Today i am about 33 weeks old and Gynae was very pleased with MaMa and me after the scanning. Why? It was because my weight had gained up to 1.9kg within 3 weeks time. Ha~ (*Note: average weight at this stage is about 2kg oh..) This showed that MaMa really put alot of effort to eat and rest as much as she could for the past few weeks. But not to forget, i also played a very important role to absorb ok.. ^_^

今天我已經33週大了, 醫生幫我做完掃描之後非常開心, 因為我快衝破2公斤了喔. 真是出乎她跟媽媽意料! 不過這也證明這3個星期裡, 媽媽跟我都很拼命的在補充營養跟適當的休息. 還是爸爸利害, 產檢前跟媽媽打賭我最少有1.9公斤, 果然是被爸爸猜中了. 醫生說如果媽媽再努力吃多點, 我應該可以達到2.8公斤喔. 也許我是一匹冷門的黑馬~ 呵呵.

Can you see my face and my strong elbow shown in the pictures below? 以下圖片是我臉的輪廓跟強而有力的手肘喔!

Friday, November 21, 2008

God Bless Auntie Esther

Early in the morning about 7.30am, MaMa received an unexpected morning message (SMS) from Auntie Esther. After reading the message, MaMa became very sober and even read it twice just in case she missed out any word from Auntie Esther. Hmm... What was the content that caused MaMa to lose the mind? HeHee.. not to worry, it was a good news to share! I will automatically upgrade to be JieJie and have a playmate next year. Yeah~

We felt so happy and excited.. MaMa even wanted to try to fix the same appointment date just to accompany Auntie Esther for her first appointment. Forgot to mention, my Gynae Dr. Joycelyn was strongly recommended by Auntie Esther and Auntie Shirley oh. ^_^

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3D scan on 30 Oct 2008

30 Oct 2008 was a big day for my beloved BaBa and MaMa. They were so anxious and excited to wait for this date to come as Gynae said 29 week was a golden week to do 3D & 4D scan on me, which means they were able to see my face very clearly. Few days before scan, MaMa kept remind me to be more coorperative during the scan, so that the specialist could take more pictures and actions of me.

But when the day came, I was not coorperative at all (-.-)!!! Usually i would be very active in the morning but when we were queued up for scanning at 9am, i was asleep. Even the specialist pushed me to wake me up, I still insisted to continue my nap. After spending about 30 min in the room, the specialist gave up and asked MaMa to walk around and return for scan about half to 1 hour later.. MaMa was so disappointed as i used to be active and energetic at this hour.

While we were queuing up to re-scan, MaMa never stop knocking on me to wake me up. The specialist who scanned me this time was more senior and experience to handle naughty me. She managed to take few 3D pictures and 4D actions of me. Nevertheless, I was not so coorperative afterall. I had no intention to open my eyes as i still felt very sleepy inside MaMa's cosy womb. HaHa..
But not to disappointed everyone, I did some actions in the womb to please my MaMa and BaBa. What did I do inside? I played with my hands and fingers. I covered my face, played my lips and showed my tongue. Did i look chubby and adorable? ^_^ Just by looking at my nose and mouth, MaMa concluded that I looked so much like BaBa. Even Auntie Esther and Uncle Kenneth also agreed with her. HaHa.. MaMa wished I could be as pretty and smart as Alexis JieJie when i grow up. I was so looking forward to go out with MaMa, Auntie Esther and Alexis JieJie for shopping. We sure can click very well. HooHooHoo... BaBa and uncle Kenneth, please be prepared and got the money ready to pamper us..
爸爸跟媽媽終於盼到10月30日了, 因為今天是醫生阿姨所說的黃金29週. 也就是說這個星期是做3D跟4D的最好時機, 體型不會過瘦或過胖. 雖然媽媽在幾天前已經開始叮嚀我在掃描的時候要合作一點, 這樣幫我掃描的阿姨才可以拍下跟錄下最好的照片跟動作. 可是到了當天, 我並不是很合作. 不知道為甚麼, 我就是覺得很睏, 不想醒來跟大家說嗨. 媽媽超失望的, 因為通常在這個時候我早就已經生龍活虎的在媽媽的肚子裡面亂動了. 等了大約半個小時, 幫我做掃描的阿姨還是叫不醒我, 所以決定讓媽媽先去外面休息一下, 走動走動. 半個到1個小時之後再回去掃描.

在等待的時間裡, 媽媽還是沒有放棄把我叫醒. 排隊輪到我們時是另外一位阿姨來幫我照. 這位阿姨比之前那位阿姨還要有經驗, 所以成功的幫我拍了幾張照片跟動作. 只不過我還是沒有把眼睛張開, 我還想睡覺拉. 誰叫媽媽的肚子那麼舒服.

為了不讓大家失望, 我還是有做幾個動作來討爸爸跟媽媽開心. 我在裡面動動我的手, 玩玩我的指頭, 抿抿我的嘴唇還有吐吐我的舌頭給大家看. 阿姨說我的臉有點胖嘟嘟, 很可愛喔. 媽媽看了照片之後, 發現我很像爸爸喔. 尤其是鼻子跟嘴巴. 如果眼睛也像爸爸, 那就不得了拉! 哈~ 因為媽媽知道爸爸一定會很驕傲. 就連Esther阿姨跟Kenneth姨丈都說我很像爸爸.. 不過我希望等我長大後, 我可以跟林宣姊姊一樣漂亮又聰明. 真期待我長大後可以跟媽媽, Esther阿姨以及林宣姊姊一起去逛街. 我們一定會相處的很愉快低. 呵呵~ 既然如此, 爸爸跟Kenneth姨丈就麻煩你們要有心理準備, 努力賺錢寵我們喔~

My 7th visit on 8 Oct 2008

I was 25 weeks and Gynae used 2D scan to carry out regular checkup on me. She told BaBa and MaMa that that my spine and head were formed in very good shape, especially my leg bones seem quite long. MaMa hoped that I could be as tall as BaBa when i grow up. Hehee..

我已經在媽媽的肚子裡有25個星期了. 時間過的真快, 又是讓醫生檢查的日子. 醫生說我的骨格發育的還不錯, 尤其是手腳, 看起來都很長喔. 真希望我以後可以跟爸爸一樣高.

My 3rd detail scan on 10 Sept 2008

2 weeks ago after my appointment with Dr Joycelyn, BaBa and MaMa went for lunch at the cafe. After lunch, Gynae came to MaMa and told her that it would be better if they could take me for another detail scan. She was a bit worried as it might be my cord was blocked and caused me to have limited absorption. So we fixed an appointment and went for the scan on 10 Sep. The result shown that my blood flow in the cord was running fine and stable. The only reason might be i was too choosy for food. Haha.. I knew MaMa was trying her best to eat alot especially when Ah Ma was in Singapore..
2個星期前爸爸帶媽媽複診完後就下樓吃午飯, 順便逛逛等雨量小點才回家. 當爸爸跟媽媽在嬰兒用品店裡時, 媽媽聽到我的Joycelyn醫生在叫她. 醫生阿姨說複診完後還是放心不下我, 所以建議爸爸跟媽媽帶我再去做一次掃描, 確定媽媽傳送給我養分的輸血管沒有任何問題. 以下就是我掃描出來的結果. 一切正常, 沒有任何問題. 也許是我比較挑食吧! 我知道媽媽已經很努力了, 因為當阿媽在新加坡住的時候, 媽媽可是吃很多呢!

My 2nd detail scan on 27 Aug 2008

The pictures below were my 2nd detial scan. My Gynae feedback to BaBa and MaMa that i was too small size. So, Mama got to eat more in order for me to grow faster. But sadly, all the nutrients and extra weight went to MaMa. According to my Gynae, I did not absorb much as my stomach seem quite small. Nevertheless, Dr. Joycelyn still encouraged MaMa to eat as much as she could even though she might put on weight up to 20kg. Although my size a bit small and skinny, my body was quite proportion. MaMa felt my first kick exactly when i was 5 month old. It was hard to imagine a small girl like me was so active and energetic..

8月27日是我第2次去做深層掃描, 報告出來後, 醫生跟媽媽說我的體積太小了. 媽媽必須要多吃點東西讓我趕快長大. 但是媽媽所吃的我吸收的並不多, 導致營養全部集中在媽媽身上. 雖然如此, 醫生阿姨還是鼓勵媽媽能吃多少就吃多少. 就算會胖到20公斤還是要吃. 不過, 小歸小, 我可以是很好動的喔! 我5個月大的時候就開始踢媽媽了. 醫生知道後也放心不少, 因為我這麼會踢表示我很健康. 哈~

I was 4 months old ~ I am a girl

30 July 2008 was a important day for my BaBa and MaMa as it was the day to unveil my gender to the public. ^_^ My Gynae was so professional. She managed to check on me when i tried to cover and hide myself.

日子過的真快, 轉眼間1個月又過去了. 今天可是非常重要的日子喔, 因為醫生說今天就可以知道我的性別了! 今天陪同我, 爸爸跟媽媽來複診的有阿媽, Esther 阿姨, 我的乾姊姊 Alexis, Shirley 阿姨以及她的兒子Jireh哥哥. 大家都在猜測我到底是女生還是男生. 雖然我很想賣個關子, 但是醫生阿姨實在是太厲害, 沒三两下就看出我的真面目了. 是低~ 我是女生 ^_^ 醫生阿姨非常的肯定, 唉~真是逃不過她的法眼. 我想最興奮的應該是媽媽, 因為她希望我是女生, 將來才可以幫忙分擔家務, 做個好榜樣照顧未來的弟弟或妹妹.

My first detail scan on 2 July 2008

When i was about 3 months old, MaMa took me for first detail scan. BaBa was so excited when he saw the images on the screen. Can see my sharp features?!

醫生說我3個月大的時候就可以用最精密的機器掃描出我是否發育正常, 身體有無缺陷. 這個掃描的精準度高達90%, 所以爸爸決定花錢來確定我的健康.. 3個月大的我已經看到體型了喔. 尤其是我的頭, 臉型跟肚子已經非常很明顯了.

My second scan on 4 June 2008

Due to previous incident, my gentle & caring gynae adviced MaMa to return for checkup 2 weeks later. Can you see me clearly now? I was 8 weeks old and growing normally..

由於上次的經驗, 溫柔又有愛心的醫生交代媽媽2個星期後一定要再帶我回去給她檢查. 8個星期大的我, 是不是比較有feel了? 我可是很努力在成長的小胚胎喔..

Mini Me ~ my first scan on 21 May 2008

Can you see the mini-me? i was so tiny during my first 2D scans..
The records shown that i was 6 weeks old.

你看得到小小的我嗎? 這是我的第一個掃描, 我已經6個星期大了喔!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Claira's arrival

Hi, my name is Claira Soo. My parents spent days and nights just to source a good name for my good fortune and life. ^_^ My Chinese name will be named and decided by beloved parents after my birth as I am currently sleeping soundly in my MaMa's womb. Heehee..
According to my beloved BaBa and MaMa, my arrival to this world was unexpected. 2 months before my existance, MaMa was having a depression and they decided to go back to visit Ah Ma and relax as earlier scheduled.

My handsome and cheerful Jiu Jiu brought MaMa, BaBa, Ah Gong and Ah Ma to the Southern part of Taiwan for 3 Days 2 Nights tour. MaMa was so glad that BaBa finally got the chance to see the beauty of KenTing. They were having great fun during this Taiwan trip and it was the period of time that I was formed. MaMa said I was made in Taiwan with all the blessings from the God. Haha. BaBa even made a wish to return to KenTing after my birth.

Just 1 day right after BaBa and MaMa’s return from Taiwan, MaMa started to feel uneasy and tired without any sign of sickness. MaMa ever had this experience before but she was doubt that miracle could happen to her.

On the 8th of May 2008, MaMa decided to find out the answer. It was then come to MaMa’s surprised that I was there in her womb! BaBa and MaMa were overjoyed as their wish really came true. They couldn't believe God's adviced was so so so amazing. Even my gynae was surprised that MaMa was able to conceive within such a short period of time..

大家好, 我的名字叫做Claira Soo. 我最最親愛的父母可是花了很多時間找了很多書才幫我命名的喔. 至於我的中文名字嘛, 目前就要先賣個關子, 因為要等我正式出來跟大家見面的時候, 我的爸爸跟媽媽才會挑最適合的名字給我. 名字是一生一世的, 尤其發音跟涵義都很重要, 所以他們一定要考慮的很週到. 爸爸對於這個問題就很有同感. 呵! 偷偷告訴大家一個不算秘密的小秘密, 我的帥爸爸跟我的帥舅舅的名字發音就一樣. 所以鬧了不少小故事..

我的到來並非爸爸跟媽媽意料之中的事, 因為事發的2個月前媽媽進入低潮期, 身體也有點虛弱. 為了轉換心情, 媽媽跟爸爸還是依照原先的計畫回去台灣看阿媽跟家人.

回到了台灣, 剛好幫我的大表哥慶祝生日, 舅舅帶爸爸, 媽媽, 阿公跟阿媽去墾丁玩. 他們2晚所住的民宿都是未來的舅媽幫忙上網訂的喔. 雖然有點小插曲, 但是還是算玩的盡興. 爸爸還說有阿公的地方就不會無聊, 因為阿公很無厘頭, 搞得大家好氣又好笑. 但是舅舅就不這麼認為. 哈! 媽媽很開心爸爸終於可以體會墾丁的美, 因為媽媽跟舅舅去了墾丁3次, 但是爸爸就是沒有辦法參與. 因為阿公的一句話, 我們到了墾丁非常有名的土地公廟宇參拜. (都說我的阿公很隨興了嘛..) 爸爸還許願, 如果神明的指示真的讓他很順心就要帶我回去墾丁拜拜喔.

從台灣回來的隔一天, 媽媽的身體就開始酸痛不舒服了. 這個感覺媽媽之前也經歷過, 只是他覺得不可能會有奇蹟發生在他身上. 直到6天後, 媽媽非常的不耐煩而決定找出答案. 約2分鐘過後, 答案揭曉, 原來是我在搗亂. 媽媽跟爸爸都不敢相信我的存在還有神的指意. 當醫生接到媽媽電話的時候也覺得很意外, 還再次跟媽媽確認, 確定媽媽沒有看錯檢驗結果. 畢竟要在短時間內製造我的機率真的很小很小.. 嘻 ~