Saturday, January 3, 2009

My checkup on 2nd Jan 2009

Yesterday was a shocking day for my parents and Ah Ma. During my ultra sound scan, Dr. Wong discovered that my head was engaging and decending at the pelvis. In order to double confirm her prediction of early labour, she did a internal check on my MaMa, and she was very firm that i was ready to come out anytime within this few days. It was because my current position was some kind of frog style, having my head down at the bottom and 2 legs widely open. Further, MaMa's opening was about 2 cm wide already. It was so surprised to know that i might be out to this world any moment (as MaMa really showed no sign of labouring =.=). So Dr. Wong reminded MaMa once again if she felt frequent contraction, water bag bursting or bleeding, she must admit to hospital to prepare for birth.
Since MaMa did not feel any adnormal and i was still actively moving inside her womb, she took a afternoon nap and had reqular routine to sleep early. However, BaBa did not take anything easy. He was so excited and tried to stay awake at night just in case MaMa need to rush to hospital any moment. But to disappoint BaBa, both MaMa and I were sleeping soundly at night. Although i had a few kicks on MaMa but we both knew that 2nd Jan was not the date. Hehe.. MaMa preferred to let me come out on 3 Jan 09 instead because she likes the number of 3. Haha~ just like Auntie Esther who likes the number of 7. ^^
This morning i'm still moving freely inside MaMa's womb, which makes MaMa to feel uncertain whether today is the day for me as so far everything seems so so so normal. lol~ Neverthelss, MaMa will take Dr. Wong's advice by having more walks to expedite the labouring today. So, the next blog you read will be the day i officially enter to this world - stay tune and see you soon.. ^0^

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